What an incredible piece of work, and—may I dare to write ‘real’—thinking. I’ll need more time to (try to) think about some sections from this essay, and will come back to it.

At some point in the essay (particularly the C.S. Lewis part) I was reminded of this section I once read in which Virginia Woolf described shocks of (rare) inescapable realizations.

Would you say these are (also) descriptions of real thinking, when something is being shaken loose and crystallizes in a new, surprising and often shocking form?

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Glad you enjoyed it, Brigitte :). I'm not sure exactly what you/Woolf have in mind re: "inescapable realizations," but I think epistemic shifts that present as realizations/epiphanies are often pretty "real" in the sense I have in mind here (though I think there's sometimes a risk of letting the intensity of "realness" push out the need for further critical scrutiny, rigor, etc).

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